Our Classes
Unlock Your Potential for Lasting Inner Peace
Unlock Your Potential for Lasting Inner Peace
Unlock Your Potential for Lasting Inner Peace
Mahakaruna Kadampa Buddhist Center

Drop-in Classes
Our classes range from short and simple guided breathing meditations to drop-in classes, weekend retreats, and in-depth study programs. No prior experience of meditation or knowledge of Buddhism is necessary to participate.
Everyone is welcome.
Learn to Meditate, or Deepen Your Daily Practice.
Find the class that's right for you.
General Program Drop-in Meditation Classes
The Truth of Impermanence:
Learning to Embrace Change
A Drop-in Meditation Class Series
with Resident Teacher, Kelsang Rak-ma
The Wisdom of impermanence offers us powerful insights and methods for overcoming fear and worry and gaining a balanced, realistic view of ourselves and our purpose in the world. Join us for this weekly drop-in class and learn how we can use this wisdom to bring practical benefit to both ourself and others.
This class is suitable for all levels of interest and experience and everyone is welcome.
Mondays, 7 – 8:15pm
$15 per person
Included in all membership levels
October 16 Change is Constant: Understanding & Accepting the Law of Impermanence
October 23 Finding Freedom: Breaking the Cycle of Destructive Habits
October 30 Dealing with Death: A Buddhist Perspective
November 6 Living Lightly: How to Find Joy in the Moment & Let Go of the Past
November 13 Everything is Temporary: Cultivating a Realistic View of Our World
November 20 Courage in the Face of Uncertainty: Overcoming Fear About Change
Meditations for World Peace
with Chris Taylor
A Drop-in Meditation Class Series
Without inner peace, outer peace is impossible. When we create peace within our own mind, the effects are far-reaching and bring benefit to everyone we meet. In this class, we are creating the causes to abide in a more peaceful world by cultivating our own inner peace, developing compassion, and increasing our wisdom.
Each class includes two guided meditations, a talk, and inspiring prayers for world peace.
This class is suitable for all levels of experience and everyone is welcome.
Sundays, 10:30 – 11:45am
$15 per person
Included in all membership levels
This class is available live on Zoom for members.
Please visit our Memberships page for more info.
Class Zoom link will be sent with confirmation email.
This class is available live on Zoom for members.
Please visit our Memberships page for more info.
Class Zoom link will be sent with confirmation email.
Simply Meditate: Weekly Guided Meditations
with Steve Tuscher
A Drop-in Meditation Class Series
The first stage of meditation is to stop distractions and make our mind clearer and more lucid. This can be accomplished by practicing a simple breathing meditation. Just by doing breathing meditation for 10 or 15 minutes each day, we will experience a calm, spacious feeling in the mind and many of our usual problems will fall away.
Join us each week for a different guided visualization and meditation. This is a wonderful series for beginners, or a good way to get your daily practice back on track. Each class is taught on a drop-in basis. Everyone is welcome!
Thursdays, 6 – 6:45pm
$10 per person
Included in all membership levels
“Developing compassion and wisdom, and helping those in need whenever possible, is the true meaning of life.”
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
Experiencing financial difficulty? Nobody is turned away for lack of funds. Please email us to inquire about reduced class fees.