Our Classes
Unlock Your Potential for Lasting Inner Peace
Unlock Your Potential for Lasting Inner Peace
Unlock Your Potential for Lasting Inner Peace
Mahakaruna Kadampa Buddhist Center
Monthly Memberships
Becoming a member is the most economical way to enjoy all of our classes, retreats, day courses and special events. Mahakaruna KBC is a volunteer run, registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. It is due to the kindness and generosity of our members that we exist. Our Center is funded entirely by monthly memberships, class fees and donations from students. These contributions keep our Center running year-after-year.
For expanded attendance and study programs.
All Drop-in General Program Classes
Live Streaming Access to General Program Classes
Foundation Program Classes
Discounts on Workshops and Special Courses
Excluded: Empowerments, Fundraisers, Offsite Events (unless noted)
Please Email : epc@meditateincal.org before signing up
Contributions are made by automatic payment.
Please contact us if you have any questions about membership.
“Only by creating peace within our own mind and helping others do the same can we hope to achieve peace in this world.”
–Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

The International Temples Project (ITP)
Proceeds from the annual Festivals and Celebrations in the NKT-IKBU support the activities of the International Temples Project (ITP), a global charitable project founded by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. The ITP aims to introduce the Buddhist faith and practice of the New Kadampa Tradition publicly, and to exemplify contemporary Buddhist practice through service to the public. It achieves this through developing and building traditional and non-traditional temples, meditation and retreat centers, and through the activities of World Peace Cafés and Tharpa Publications.
Consider a One-Time Donation
Mahakaruna Kadampa Buddhist Center is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization. Your donation goes entirely toward maintaining and growing our center and allowing us to continue offering classes and events in our community.
We appreciate your support! Thank you.
Our Federal Tax ID (FEIN) is 20-0796000CA
Our State Tax ID is 2647791